10 Winter Themes to include in your Bullet Journal

Dec 3, 2018 | Bullet Journaling

10 winter themes for your bullet journal | www.westcoastdreaming.com/10-winter-themes-bujo

With the beginning of December and stores and houses decorated for the holiday season, it sure feels like winter is upon us. This is a great time to get a head start on your holiday goals and what better way to do that than in your favourite Bullet Journal? Here are 10 Winter Themes for you to include in your Bullet Journal that will get you on track with your goals and in the holiday mood.

December monthly log

december monthly log | www.westcoastdreaming.com/10-winter-themes-bujo

I started this winter journal-journey with my December monthly log. I was done in 5 minutes, and the winter-themed craft paper that I bought 4 years ago came in handy. For the circles, I simply used a glass. No fancy stuff needed, but hey, if you have it, go for it!

December log –minimalistic version

december monthly log minimalistic | www.westcoastdreaming.com/10-winter-themes-bujo

Then I thought that I should show you how the same or similar idea would look without the wintery-themed paper. Eh voila, here you go. Very minimalistic and the crisp blue goes a long way.

Favourite winter rituals

winter rituals | www.westcoastdreaming.com/10-winter-themes-bujo

As the winter months are very dark in this hemisphere, social and professional engagements usually pile up, I felt it was important to include a self-care prompt into my journal for the winter months. For this spread, I used the tangle pattern Joki again in this nice and crisp ice blue. Love my paper mate pens for this.

Mood tracker

mood tracker | www.westcoastdreaming.com/10-winter-themes-bujo

This is by far my favourite mood tracker that I have found. I love the mountain silhouette, and it was also very simple to set up. Simply place 5 slightly overlapping triangles on your page. Depending on the length of the month (30 vs 31 days) divide each mountain into 6 fields for your days. On a 31 day long month, divide the biggest triangle into 7 fields and the rest into 6 fields. Bada bing, bada boom… 😀

Include a colour code so you know which pen to grab when you feel Uh-mazing.

Weekly forest spread

december weekly spread | www.westcoastdreaming.com/10-winter-themes-bujo

This spread is next week’s log for me and I can’t wait to use it. As with the mountain mood tracker, I started out super simple by placing tall and narrow triangles on the bottom of the page in pencil. Then, I sketched out the branches and used my trusted marker to create clean black outlines. After that, I divided each tree into segments and started to fill them with layering strokes: place a candy cane type line first, then repeat that and fill in the entire segment. I should have foreseen that green would look much better for this page than black, so I switched over.

Another idea for a monthly page

November | www.westcoastdreaming.com/10-winter-themes-bujo

Even though November has already gone by you could use this cute layout for another winter month. My tip, start in pencil until you like the composition of your page, then use your black pen for the outlines. Again, this is super simple: I used a glass for the moon, simple lines for the branches, a thicker grey marker for shading and a red one for the berries, done.

Holiday gift planner

gift planner | www.westcoastdreaming.com/10-winter-themes-bujo

Oh, what would the holiday season be without frantically running around to get everybody a present? This page for your bullet journal helps you plan out and also budget for your gift ideas. The act of writing ideas and cost down will reduce the perceived stress and might even help reduce spending. Happy holiday shopping!

Another tangle: Ojo

Ojo tangle | www.westcoastdreaming.com/10-winter-themes-bujo

This cute little tangle pattern looks a little bit like snowflakes to me, so I gave it a try. What do you think?

ojo in action | www.westcoastdreaming.com/10-winter-themes-bujo

Two weeks ago, when I created the December monthly log, I forgot to leave a space for the last week of November. So what to do in case of a mistake? First of all, don’t panic. It is only a bullet journal. Secondly, be creative. I inserted a folded piece of paper for last week and adorned it with Ojo. I love this insert now.

Holiday activities

holiday activities | www.westcoastdreaming.com/10-winter-themes-bujo

What are your favourite holiday activities? Practice brush lettering and throw all your ideas on one page!

2018 favourite memories

memories | www.westcoastdreaming.com/10-winter-themes-bujo

Last but not least, I wanted to include a page to capture and reminisce on my favourite 2018 memories. I like this idea so much, that I am thinking of including it into every month, and then do a review at the end of the year. What a great way to focus on the positive, noting it down and creating memories that way.

These were my 10 winter themes for my bullet journal. Which ones have you tried before and which one is your favourite? Yes, I know, I am from Canada so I continuously spell “favourite” with a U. As you might have noticed, I budged for two of the spreads though. Thanks for reading.

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