Top 10 inspirational videos

Sep 26, 2018 | Happiness

For Mimi: thinking so much of you these days and of all our conversations about staying motivated, positive and following your dreams. This is for you.

Are you feeling stuck or low on energy with the fall rolling in? Are you sometimes plagued by the evil little being called DOUBT? Are people in your life telling you, you cannot do something?

Then I got a list of my top ten videos for you that will get you inspired and back on track.

It is ok to feel low at times, but use this period to rest and then get back up again and be stronger than before. Don’t let others or even yourself stand in your way to fulfilling your dreams and the life you were meant to live.

Sometimes all we need is a little push. So here you go: *push*

If you have seen them before, great. If you are working on living the best life you possibly can, it is worth watching them over and over again.

1. Shia LaBeouf “Just Do It”

2. Never give up on your dreams!!!

3. The Law of Attraction explained by Denzel Washington
Powerful testament by celebrities on the law of attraction and how it affected their lives.

4. Have the courage to follow your dreams

5. Leadership from a Dancing Guy
Never thought that a amateur video from the Sasquatch Music Festival could be so very enlightening!

6. A Pep Talk from Kid President to You

7. Follow your Dream

8. Misty Copeland  – Under Armour
Yes, this is advertising, but a very motivational and true story nonetheless. Love Misty Copeland and her determination to not let anything stand in her way of becoming a prima ballerina.

9. Don’t allow your Life to be Controlled by these Five Things

10. The Secret to You
Last but not least, my absolute favourite from the one and only Rhonda Byrne.

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